// z = package info string that appears in installer
Netscape Conference=2000<Info:Check this item to install Netscape Conference™ items.>
Communicator Module=11000<Info:Check this item to install the default Communicator™ components. Includes Plug-ins, Java™, NetHelp, and Stuffit Expander™ 4.02>
// Registry
// Definition: Designates Entries into the Netscape Registry, the file/folder name, the version number
// Format: x=y<Info:z>
// x = name of Registry key entry
// to denote registrying an directory, end the key entry with a the "/" character
// y = the file or the folder name that the matches the key name,
// z = version number for that component, in format.
/Netscape/Communicator/Plugins/Read Me - QuickTime Plug-in=Read Me - QuickTime Plug-in<Version:>
// This text appears in the splash screen of the default Easy Install
[Easy Install Text]
Click "Install" to place the following items on your hard disk: Netscape Communicator™ and Plugins for PowerPC, Netscape Conference™, Java, NetHelp, Macintosh Drag and Drop, and Stuffit Expander 4.02.